Monday, 20 February 2012

New Trip to IoM

I haven't posted in a while since not a lot has been going on but I wanted to post this and get some input from you guys out there reading my blog.

I have been invited to the second 2012 meeting with Stars on the Isle of Man and have accepted the offer this time. I am not going as a player rep and don't plan on participating in any sort of forum flame war when I return. I'm simply going as an unelected individual player.

However I would really appreciate input from everyone on what your issues and struggles are as well as any ideas for improving yours or others' experience playing on the site. Anything and everything from software to VIP program to game function etc is more than welcome. I do think the individual rake per stake issue has been talked to death and unlikely to change in the near future, but I would still more than welcome any comments or ideas on the overall rake and VIP structures as a whole.

You can use the Google Docs form I created to leave your comments.
