Monday 21 July 2008

July = Variance

After my awesome start to July I've basically run breakeven for the 2nd and 3rd week of the month with some pretty big swongs over 30k hands. I thought that was enough of that and I needed some help. Signed up for a session review, but was too late so I did one with Split Suit - I've added his blog to the links on the side -->

He, along with a few other people I've chatted with have really helped me improve in the past couple of weeks, so thanks to all of them! I'm about 75% confident that I can beat 50NL right now even considering the poor results of the past 2 weeks (not based on any stats or anything, of course, just my confidence level). Even if it takes me a while to adjust to it, every time I drop back down to rebuild at 25NL it gets easier.

So to pad the month/next month I'm clearing an FPP cash bonus as well as a redeposit bonus for a total of $525 in bonus cash - thank you Stars - I called that one in my last post =) My goal is to have them both cleared by August 15.

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